She said it wouldn't be for me to sleep in but for when they leave the house and can't take me with them.
I'm a pretty lucky dog. My mommy stays home with the kids and that means she is home all the time with me.
So far she has taken me everywhere she goes. I've gone trick or treating, to her brother's house (I don't like his cat and I let him know it even though he is 3 times my size), to drop the kids off at school, to the pet store, and even to Wal-Mart. She didn't take me in, but left me with the boy who lives down the (living room) hall. He kept me entertained while she ran in to get stuff to make for supper. (I even got some meat out of the deal!)
She says that I can go to all of the outdoor soccer games (the 2 oldest kids play fall and spring) but that she doesn't think I can go to the indoor ones. The boy has a game today and she isn't sure what to do with me.
She knows that when I can't see her I get worried and I start to cry.
People have told her that she should buy me a kennel for when she is gone, that dogs feel secure in kennels, but she is not sure that would be the case with me. I spent all of the beginning of my life locked in a cage. She thinks it would scare me to be put back into a cage like that. People have said, you never know, since that is what Junie knew for so long, it might be a source of comfort for her to have a safe spot to retreat to.
I have a safe spot to retreat to - it's under my mommy's desk, all the way in the back. It's a great place to hide when I need quiet, want to sleep, and my mommy's lap isn't available. No one bigger than I am can get back there.
Mommy says that she might just put my bed in the kitchen so that I am near my food and water and then block off the kitchen door.
She said that she promised I would never have to go through anything that scares me or hurts me ever again. I don't know what I'd think of a kennel now. Do you think I'd see it as a safe place? Or would it scare me again?
All I know is I don't like the thought of her leaving without me. Stupid dogs can't go inside of businesses law anyways.
Junie says to check out: Midwest Black E-Coat Exercise Pen, 24 Inches by 30 Inches

Maybe you could just do a little superyard thing. To keep her in one area when you are not there but she would not feel as closed in. I like kennels myself. We have a 4 month old puppy and he likes his. I cover him with a little blanket at night and never hear a peep out of him. He goes right in and lays down. I am comfortable with him being in there if I am gone or at night so he does not eat half the house or potty where ever he is standing. But for your girl it is hard to tell. She may feel comfortable because that was what she knows?