My mom put me in a black shirt (one of my many pieces in my wardrobe) and put the little witches hat on me, after she cut off the purple hair. I didn't like it much and immediately took it off. She said to my daddy, oh well, it was only $2. She didn't make me wear it though the kids were all cheering for me to put it on.
For trick or treating, she brought this little bag that she had bought me. She almost didn't get it because she was worried it was too Paris Hilton like (who is Paris Hilton anyway?), but the lady talked her into it when she said it was good for times where we are walking with a lot of people (the farmer's market - I guess I'll find out what that is too). It's good for places where people might not see a little thing like me and it keeps me from getting stepped on.
She brought that bag with blankets stuffed in it to keep me warm. Honestly, I didn't mind. I kept my head poked out of the side and the blanets kept me warm and toasty. My mom kept reaching her hand in to pet me and make sure I was ok. I was fine, I loved it!
After awhile the littlest boy starting to cry. My daddy took him and me to the car (mommy was worried I was cold too). He pulled the car up next to my mom and said to take me with her. I was letting it be known that I didn't like to be separated from her at all. She put my pink velvet warm coat on me, attached the leash, and off we went.
She was impressed. I walked beside her instead of running in circles around her legs. I know how to walk on a leash, but I also know how to get her to pick me up when I want her to.
When we got back, my mommy went out for a bit and left me with the daddy and the kids. I whined a little bit, hoping she'd be right back, but when she wasn't, I found a basket of clothes to go to sleep in. When I heard her come in the door, I was so happy! I rushed to greet her as if I hadn't seen her in a year.
I'm so glad they made me a part of their family!
Junie says to check out: Dog Costume - Li'l Stinker Dog Skunk Halloween Costume - Small

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