I am a 3 year old 6 lb rescued hairy hairless Chinese Crested. I am fighting for the other animals that are in the situation I was in. Read more about me here.
There are more animals euthanized than people want to know.
Please support No Kill Shelters!

Regarding Reviews/PR

From my mommy: Since I do reviews/giveaways on my other blog, someone contacted me regarding doing a dog product review since we got Junie. After some thought on the subject, I have come to a decision. While I don't mind Junie reviewing SOME products, there will be limitations.

Junie will NOT be reviewing dog food. She eats Blue Buffalo Longevity Dry Food. I will not mess with her food. She's not big on treats yet, so I don't know if that will do you much good. If you would like to try a treat, it must be from a cruelty-free, animal-friendly company and come in a package. It must be of good quality (NO rendered meat etc.) NO homemade treats for Junie. I'm sorry, I know most people are good, but I will not risk her. She's too important to our family.

I see no problem with her reviewing clothes or other dog accessories, but again, it must be from a cruelty-free, animal-friendly company. Many Chinese Cresteds are allergic to wool, so no wool garments for Junie. She also really never learned how to play with toys, so you can try, but I can't guarantee she'll be interested. She sleeps with a little stuffed duck, but that's because I put it there, not because she did.
I am iffy on shampoos, conditioners, lotions, etc. Chinese Cresteds have sensitive skin and you typically use human body/face cleanser on their bodies. Shoot me an email (in the sidebar) and tell me what you have in mind. I will decide if it's something that would be appropriate for her.

Instead of doing any giveaways, I would much rather you donate a product to a rescue (many are listed in the other sidebar). They are always needing donations of supplies and money. If you'd like to tell them that it comes in Junie's name, please feel free to.

The point of this blog is not to review products, but to get the word out on animals that need our help.  If there is an awesome product out there for dogs, I don't mind sharing it here and there, but it is not the focus of Junie's blog. Junie's blog is a voice for those who can't speak for themselves.