I am a 3 year old 6 lb rescued hairy hairless Chinese Crested. I am fighting for the other animals that are in the situation I was in. Read more about me here.
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Can We Fly South For The Winter?

Junie says the cold is for the birds - the birds disagree.
My mommy took me out to go potty this morning and there was this white cold stuff on the ground.  Mommy said it wasn't snow, it was frost.  I say, I don't know what snow is, but if it's worse than the frost stuff, I'm going the bear route and hibernating for the winter.

When we went out, I bounded out the door like I always do.  When I hit the grass with the frost, I stopped.  I looked at my mommy.  I don't like this.  I gingerly, yet quickly, found my favorite spot to go, went, and jumped onto the cement block border that goes in front of the bushes.  Mommy was wondering if that was all I had to do.  I sniffed around the cement, then went to the sidewalk, no frost there! My mommy said, Junie are you done?  She started laughing when I went from the sidewalk to the cement block border, to the porch, all with out touching the grass again.

She thinks it's funny.  I'd like to see her go out barefoot on the frost.  She had shoes on. I'm a Chinese Crested, I don't have much hair on my feet.  She promised me that she has new boots coming, they were shipped the other day.  The other boots she bought me were way too big and personally, I think bells are for cats.  I don't need little jingly bells following behind me when I'm trying to go.

When we came inside, I hopped up into my daytime napping spot, my basket with all the pillows and fleece blankets piled up. I sat there shivering, hoping she'd get the point.  She did.  She went and got me another fleece blanket and tucked me into my "bed".

I don't plan on going out again.  I'll hold it.

My mommy said she disagrees, I have to go out.  She said if the littlest boy didn't like to play in his own diaper if she doesn't get it off fast enough, she'd get me a puppy pad for the house when it's cold out, but she thinks he will play with that too.

Ew.  I don't even play with poo.  I don't know why he thinks it's so much fun.

Here's a few stories that I tweeted out yesterday that I felt were important:

Chicken Hatchery Hell (Graphic) - Agriculture at it's worst.  We're not vegetarians over here (obviously, I'm a dog), but I've heard my mommy tell people that she has trouble eating meat because of things like this.  She tries to buy only products that were made by companies that treat their animals without cruelty.  It's hard though unless someone is behind the scenes like this.  She's thought about going vegetarian, and she's still thinking about doing it for herself.  She doesn't think daddy would go along with it for the entire family though. This kind of story really bothers her and it bothers me too.  No animal should ever be treated like this, even if it's going to end up as food. :(

Wayne Pacelle Clears Up Misconceptions over Prop B in Missouri - I'm not quite sure how people would misunderstand the law.  It seems clear cut.  But, some people like to twist and deceive for their own good.  It's why I'm glad I'm a dog.  What is.... is.  Black - white.  No need for deception.

Woman to Stand Trial For Cruelty - Cages stacked on top of each other. Flea infested dogs.  Feces. 

Berglund-Fosdick said the paralyzed dog, which was euthanized, had thick, wrinkled and cracked skin that she compared to an elephant, and had suffered chronic fungal disease as well as a raw abdomen from urine.
Sadly, it sounds like what I grew up in.  Except I wasn't paralyzed.  Just had my jaw broken and never fixed.  I made it out.  He didn't. Some did.  They all need saved.

Ohio Teen Beats Baby Alpaca To Death - All I can say is why?  What did that little baby do to deserve that?  Same as the rest of us who were abused.  Nothing.

Burned Puppy Ready For Adoption - Go out and find your forever home little guy!  May your life be full of love and adoration. You deserve it.

More Abandoned Dogs Found Dead - I understand forgetting your pillow, maybe a box of silverware when you move, but your dog?

Animal Abuse Leads To Violent Behavior Against Humans - Really?  You just now realized that the kid who thinks it's funny to put a cat in the microwave on defrost might just grow up to be a serial killer?

Ban On Pet Sales Would Reduce Puppy Mills - Another no brainer to me.  Most pet stores get their puppies/kittens from mills.  No live animal sales in pet stores would obviously lead to a reduction in puppy mills.  Supply and demand.  No demand, no need for the supply.  I like the way the pet store here does it with cats and dogs. They are all rescued animals that need adopted.  Now if they'd stop selling the other animals....

(Those aren't the ones I have coming, but mommy says she's ordering me some of these too.  She's heard good things about them keeping dogs' paws dry.)

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