I am Junie Bee. They call me Junie for short. I am a hairy hairless Chinese Crested dog.
I was a puppy mill dog and then I was passed around on Craig's List, fought over by people trying to make the most money they could out of me, until a wonderful woman took her own money and rescued me from my horrible life. No one loved me before. They just wanted to get everything they could out of me.
I was rescued when I was 3, but before that I had horrible things done to me. At the puppy mill I was kept in a crate all the time. The vet said when he spayed me that my uterus was stretched out and saggy, like an old balloon that had been blown up and had the air let out of over and over again. I don't know how many times they bred me. Too many. Who knows if I would have made it through one more litter.
When I was at the mill as a puppy my jaw was broke. No one took me to the vet to have it fixed. Because of this, my upper jaw doesn't line up quite right with my lower jaw. I also lost a few teeth because of that, but I don't let that slow me down at all.
My nails. My nails are in bad shape. When I was in the mill in that crate, I had to poop and pee where I was. You know how much I hated that since we dogs don't like to go where we sleep. My nails are brown and brittle now because of standing in my own business for so long. My new mommy is hoping that with trims, the proper diet, and lots of loving care that they will grow out to be like other dogs' nails, you know the ones whose parents love them as much as my new mommy loves me?
Speaking of my new mommy. She saw an ad for my on Craig's List. My foster mommy who rescued me was trying to find me a forever home with someone who would love me and not use me. She said that they had to spay me and that she wanted to visit where I would be living.
Something about my ad tugged at my new mommy's heart. She sent an email to my foster mommy telling her thank you for giving me a future. She didn't think she could have a dog in her apartment, but she tried really hard to find me a home with other dog lovers she knew. When she went to the doctor one day to talk about her depression, the doctor and her talked about getting a companion animal. Studies have proven that companion animals help people with depression and kids with ADHD. Since my mommy has struggled with depression her whole life and that boy who lives in the room down the hall has ADHD, her doctor thought it would be perfect.
My mommy emailed my foster mommy and said the stars had alligned and that she could give me a home.
My foster mommy and I were so excited!
My foster mommy didn't even ask my new mommy for the money back that she used to get me out of the jail I was in before. She just wanted me to be spayed and loved. That's it. My foster mommy has a heart of gold.
My mommy set up an account at the local vet and I was spayed and brought up to date on my shots on October 27, 2010. I came to live with my new family on October 29, 2010. I love my new family. I am attached to my new mommy the most and I try to go everywhere she does, even the bathroom. I like the other members of my new family also, but my mommy is the one who makes me feel most secure. If I could lay on her lap all day long and never have to move, I would.
I'm a 6 lb bundle of joy and I wanted to share my journey with you. I want to help give a voice to all the other dogs, cats, birds, and other animals who are in the situation that I was in. I want to help make a difference, give them a way out, one animal at a time.
I hope you stick around and follow my story (and theirs) as we embark on this journey to help the other animals who need it.